Sunday, October 31, 2010

My, my, what a summer it's been!

I haven't written a word in my blog since my last posting in April. I can hardly believe it's almost time to put the clocks back again. I was all excited about blogging and had imagined posting something each and every month. But life has happened again and here I am, over six months later, with the leaves gone from the trees and the first signs of snow already staying on the ground.

But it hasn't been an uneventful half year. Quite the opposite! I spent two and a half months working on an exciting government event last Spring, hosted a student from Japan in August, renovated my house in September and sold it this month. Now, I am about to move to a new town, new work and new ... well ... everything!

This is one of those times where one has the chance to get rid of the old to make room for the new. In one way, I mean that literally, as I sell and give away things I'll never need again ... like a riding lawnmower and a chainsaw ... as I move from the country back to the 'burbs'. The rest is stuff that has just collected. It's not possible that I've collected all this junk, so it must have just collected here by itself.

Less literally, I'm trading the life I've had here for five years with a new life in a new place. On the one hand, I'm excited about the move and I know it will be a really good one for me in terms of where I want to be in my life. But it's bittersweet too as I'll be giving up a much loved country lifestyle to move back to the city. I'll miss having no neighbours within earshot, a ten acre back yard, fresh cold well water and a fire burning in the wood stove.

I'm looking forward to this new life. I have great plans for my business and for enjoying some of the things I've missed by living so far from the 'big' city. But they say that all change requires a degree of discomfort, pain or loss. I'm finding this to be very true. This is a time of great change for me so I figure what they must be talking about is ... PACKING !

No pain, no gain ... right? Wish me luck!

Saturday, April 10, 2010

My Three Alpha Pack ...

I am the Chief Cook around here. The Top Dog! The Queen Bee! The Boss!

Well, I'm the only human around here so I guess that makes me all of the above ... queen of my own castle. My own boss at home and at work since I work for myself from home. Leader of the pack. What could be better?

Most of the time it's a good thing. Sometimes it has its challenges. I get to make all the decisions and have things my own way. If anything goes wrong, there's no one to blame but me, myself and I. Well, nothing's perfect! Fortunately, I always have my friends and family around to support me.

I have two wonderful dogs, my Boyzee and my GirlieGirl. Boyzee is my four year old Shepherd, Collie, Lab, Wolf cross. He's both loving and bossy. GirlieGirl is my little white Terrier cross. She's cute with an attitude. We seem to take turns at being leader of the pack ... hence, the Three Alpha Pack. They keep me busy, keep me entertained and keep me company. Most of the time I call the shots.

I love to dabble in the arts, namely pottery and watercolour painting, and long to do something fun on the Web to promote budding artists. Real artists ... not wannabees like myself. Among other things, I'm a photographer, a skier and not a bad cook. Most of all, I dream of having my own sailboat and spending more time on the water than working one day.

So stay tuned for more on my journey to wherever it is I'm going and how I get there.