Tuesday, February 8, 2011

The perfect life ...

Here I am! Another three and a half months have passed. I've started a new life, in a new year, in a new city, in a new job! There's still a lot of unpacking and reorganizing to do but we've settled into a semblance of a routine. That's been the easy part. The tough part is getting rid of all the baggage from the old life. There's too much of it for just one person. But I'm getting there and I'm looking forward to what the future has to offer.

It hasn't been very long but I already miss the freedom of being self employed, of coming and going as I please, and of "doing my own thing". It's a feeling that can't be replaced by the comfort and security of a steady paycheck. I find my thoughts becoming more and more absorbed by imagining how (and how soon) I can get back to working for myself again.

When I get like this, I gravitate to reading and the Internet for inspiration. I've been reading a steady diet of blogs and articles about home based businesses, earning money on the Internet from anywhere in the world and writing for a living. I make lists of things I want to do, jobs I'd like and exciting new career and business ideas. I picture myself doing all kinds of interesting things. Could I do this or that? More importantly, do I have the guts to do any of these things?

It would be so easy to give up and settle for a simple life, a nine-to-five job and looking forward to nothing but the weekends. Believe me, it's tempting. But deep in my soul, I still believe if I try, try again, that I can achieve that perfect life. A life where I love what I do, earn enought money doing it and have the time to enjoy that life to the fullest.

So what's my plan? It's still being formulated but I have a sense of the direction I'm heading. So today, I'll take the first step, then I'll put one foot in front of the other and with a little luck I'll end up where I want to be.